Page 3 - Animals Asia Review 2013
P. 3




Dear friends,

From kindergarten presentations to government consultations, 

from traumatic live-animal market investigations to 
presentations and advertising campaigns, Animals Asia’s 
strategy is working.

2013 started with an unprecedented success. Thanks to 
supporters worldwide, our Vietnam bear rescue centre was 
saved from eviction. The Prime Minister himself intervened in 

this battle that most said we would never win.

In China, as the people rise against bear bile farming, Animals 

Asia is providing the support and resources they need.

Our Zoos and Safari Parks team is working with vets and 

animal keepers across China (and more recently Vietnam) 
enhancing the health and living conditions of animals that 
once swayed in boredom and frustration and stared at barren 

concrete walls. Our public campaigns are teaching people to 
vote with their feet by avoiding shows that exploit and
harm animals.

Our Cat and Dog Welfare team is working with over 100 local 
animal welfare groups, countless oficials and a growing list of 
businesses around China. This collaboration is seeing enhanced 

care at shelters and in private homes, implementation of 
population management and rabies control, a public more 
sympathetic to dogs and cats, schoolchildren who love their 

Professor Paws “teachers”, and hospital patients and residents 
of care homes who live for their Dr Dog visits.

This is where your support is helping. Please stay with us, as we 
accelerate this work and show that every single gift you send is 
money truly well spent.

With bear hugs and blessings,

Jill Robinson MBE, Dr med vet hc 

Founder and CEO

PS: Please consider leaving a bequest to help generations of 
animals to come.


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